Use the Bizrate Insights Merchant API to Streamline Data Collection

For many organizations, integrating real-time VoC data with the full suite of tools in their workflow is key to maximizing the value of customer feedback. The ability to take immediate action can be the difference between a poor customer experience and a great one — impacting a retailer’s ability to build long-term relationships and retain loyal customers.

Our Merchant API gives partners additional options to access and leverage their Bizrate Insights data. The API allows ecommerce professionals to automatically stream their customer survey results securely and seamlessly from Bizrate Insights’ databases to their preferred business intelligence tools at their own intervals.

Partners can access their survey data in real-time for all our survey solutions: Online Buyer, Site Abandonment, BOPIS, Straight-to-Fulfillment. Once configured, historical data is available for up to 13 months.

The API is easy to integrate with popular business intelligence tools used across your entire organization to:

  • Generate custom widgets.
  • Build customer profiles.
  • Inform CRM software.
  • Share feedback with customer support.

As always, aggregate survey data continues to be accessible via VitalSigns, Bizrate Insights’ flagship reporting platform. VitalSigns is the best place to quickly access aggregate data and customer comments and to review benchmarks.

Please check back for additional updates as we work to continually enhance the tools and solutions our partners use. Schedule a call today to speak with a Bizrate Insights account manager and learn more about how your business can leverage the Merchant API. Live data is only a phone call away.