Our Mission

Bizrate Insights employs seasoned experts in Customer Experience and Feedback. Our customers benefit from a diverse team that offers a collaborative and innovative approach to all tasks. Our energy and passion to achieve best in class products and services is evident in the growing number of clients who choose Bizrate Insights for their CX and omnichannel needs.


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SINCE 2021

We are part of the Dotdash Meredith

Bizrate Insights has been collecting customer feedback for over 20 years. Since the early dot com internet days, Bizrate Insights (then known as BizRate) has provided feedback that has not only powered business decisions for our clients, but also empowered customers to make knowledge-based purchase decisions.

Since Bizrate's inception as a graduate school project in 1996, Bizrate has become instrumental as it transformed to become part of Shopzilla.com, then Connexity, Inc., before being acquired by the former Time Inc. (acquired by Meredith Corporation) in 2016.

Executive Team

Jack Griffin

Chief Executive Officer

Michael Friedman

SVP, Finance & Strategy

Sierra McGuire

SVP & General Manager

Lindsay Martinez

SVP, Business Development & Marketing

Todd Stephan

SVP, Engineering

Margeaux Burke

Associate General Counsel & VP of Business Affairs

Leadership Team

Marcus Vinicius Silveira

VP, Engineering

Yoni Raab

VP, Business Development

Bizrate Insights
Ali Haji Fathaliyan, Ph.D

Head of Data Science

Jody Freire

Executive Director, Customer Experience

Katie Nelson

Executive Director, Business Development

Denis Lafaille

Executive Director, Core & Platform Product Management

Andy Gedale

Executive Director, Innovation & Growth Product Management

Harouna Camara

Executive Director, Data Product Management & Product Operation

Bizrate Insights
Benjamin Anik

Executive Director, User Experience & Design

David Bogert

Director, Marketing

Shawn Swaney

Director, Client Development

Bizrate Insights
Gil Bugarin

Senior Panel Manager

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