Frequently Asked Questions

Find answers to some common questions about Bizrate Insights and our products.

There are several standard (free) versions of the point-of-sale invitation available. If a retailer prefers that the invitation have its own look and feel, or one that is merely different from what Bizrate offers, then retailers can create their own graphic for the invitation if it conforms to the size specifications of 500 x 455 pixels, functionally indicates an acceptance of the invitation with a click, and is approved by Bizrate Insights. (Fee applies.)

If a pop-up blocker is present on a consumers' computer, then Bizrate's buyer survey invitation will render in a DHTML format (a pop-in). No change to the code needs to be made by retailers for this functionality; it is already built into Bizrate's code.

Bizrate® Insights does not condone nor support customization of the buyers' survey code beyond what is provided by Bizrate. Requests for customization should be submitted to Bizrate through a Bizrate Insights account manager or

YES! Custom questions and custom formatting can be added to the standard survey as paid services. Please contact your Bizrate Insights account manager or email us at

YES! We offer custom reports to meet each retailer's needs which are emailed at regular intervals or the data can be directly accessed to create custom reports in our AccuRate cross-tabulation reportal. Both of these services are offered for fees.

Retailers may also purchase the ability to choose retailers for a custom benchmark (i.e. direct competitors, best of breed, etc) and add this to custom reports (for fees). Please contact your Bizrate Insights account manager or email us at

Three days after a consumer has indicated (on the point-of-sale survey) that they expect to receive their order, Bizrate emails the consumer an invitation to take a short survey about order receipt. The subject line for this email is “Shipping Verification - Response Requested”. If the consumer does not respond to this invitation, then 5 days later, Bizrate issues one emailed reminder with the subject line of “Shipping Verification Reminder - Response Requested”.

We are happy to manage questions that originate from consumers as well as retailers. Consumer inquiries can be forwarded to This email address may also be made available directly to consumers.

YES! We provide free standard Abandonment surveys and accompanying reports, as well as paid customizations.

YES! We provide free standard Abandonment surveys and accompanying reports, as well as paid customizations.

All calls from secure receipt pages (https) are made secure (SSL). All calls from non-secure receipt pages are made non-secure.

We Want to Hear from You

Have questions about Bizrate Insights and our VoC tools? No matter your role or the size of your business, we'd love to hear from you. Schedule a call with us to learn more about how Bizrate Insight can help achieve your goals.

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